CITY CLERK / TREASURERThe City Clerk/Treasurer is an elected official, who like the Mayor and Council, works for the citizens. The elected position is combined to fulfill both duties required by the State of Arkansas for a first class municipality.
The Clerk/Treasurer's office is a great source of information for the public, city staff, government agencies, and elected officials. The Clerk is the legal custodian of the city's official records and city seal. These records include but are not limited to: ordinances, resolutions, council agendas, meeting minutes, contracts, agreements, deeds, etc. The Treasurer is responsible for all disbursements of city funds including payroll. The City Clerk/Treasurer is responsible for administering the financial operations of the city and provides the council with monthly financial reports and Budget Comparisons. The Clerk records the proceedings of the meetings and keeps those records in an electronic archive. All City ordinances and resolutions are signed by the mayor and attested and sealed by the clerk. It is the duty of the Clerk to codify and publicize all ordinances adopted by the City Council. It is the duty of the City Clerk/Treasurer to receive, file, and retain the Financial Disclosure Statements from appointed municipal commissioners and elected officials, including the mayor, aldermen, clerk, treasurer and city attorney. The term of office is for four years. OFFICE HOURS:
MON - FRI 8 am - 12 pm / 1 pm - 4:30 pm 205 Walnut St, Clarksville, AR 72830 Phone: 479-754-6488 Fax: 479-754-4052 HELPFUL LINKS |
The Clarksville City Council meets on the Second Monday of each Month at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Administration Building located at 205 Walnut Street.
Duties of the City Council Members
- Has management and control of city finances and real and personal property belonging to city
- Adopts a budget by ordinance or resolution for operation of the city by February 1 of each year
- Sets the procedures by ordinance for making purchases that do not exceed the sum of $20,000 Sets the time and place for regular city council meetings. All meetings are open to the public in accordance with the state Freedom of Information Act.
- May override the Mayor's appointment and removal of Department Heads by two-thirds vote of the total membership
- May override the mayor's veto by two-thirds vote.
- Calls for special election in cities of the first class to fill the vacancy of the unexpired mayor's term of office, if the unexpired term is for more than six months. May fill by appointment if unexpired term is less than six months
- Sets the salaries of the mayor, council and other municipal officials. Salaries of officials may be increased during the term, but not decreased during the term of office unless requested by the official
- Alderman cannot serve on a quorum court and the city council at the same time.
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